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22 Aug 2022

4 ways to increase your Realtair listing followers

So you’ve landed the sale, uploaded the property details and published the property to view on Realtair. Great work! 

Now you’ve got to start the hard work of getting buyers interested in your property. We know you’re a star at that, of course – but here’s one little trick to boost buyer engagement: encourage them to follow your Realtair listing.

Why? It might sound simple, but it’s the simplest way to increase buyer engagement with the property. It means your buyers are notified whenever you make a change, or when someone else makes a bid or offer. 

Simply put: when a buyer follows the listing, they’ll be regularly reminded of it. You can also choose to send a prompt any time you like too.

When buyers follow the property listing, it means they’ve filled in their details ahead of closing time, ensuring a smooth process for all involved. And if they don’t love the property? Well, you’ve got yourself a new lead!

Here’s four ways you can encourage buyers to engage with your Realtair listing.


1. Display the property QR code during opens

Did you know you can print a QR code to encourage people to follow the listing? 

You can download the listing QR code from your Realtair dashboard after you’ve activated the property. Simply click on the share button at the top of your property details.


2. Add the QR code to your printed materials, digital marketing and signboards

Don’t just display the property QR code during opens – make sure you add it to your other advertising too. It can be particularly useful on signboards, as it means interested buyers can scan and follow the property even when you’re not around. After all, you can’t be everywhere at once!


3. Share the listing link with interested buyers

Encourage potential buyers to follow the property when reaching out to them after inspection. This way you capture their details ahead of time, making the bidding or offer process easier later… and locking them in as a potential lead.

If they’re confused on what to do, direct them to our blog on how to find, follow and buy property through Realtair.


4. Direct your buyers to other Realtair listings

If your buyer decides the property isn’t for them, send them links to your other Realtair listings. Then if any of them catch their eye, they can follow at the press of a button. 


Good luck and happy selling!

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