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6 Apr 2022

Realtair selected as advisors to the REIA in Project RE-ID

The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) has been awarded a coveted government innovation grant to develop a national real estate license exchange (Project RE-ID).

REIA President, Hayden Groves, welcomed the announcement from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, that REIA’s Project RE-ID had been successful under the Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII).

“REIA pitched Project RE-ID, the creation of a national exchange for real estate licenses, to the Department.”

Realtair was selected as the Project RE-ID Technical Advisors as a leading real estate middleware platform.

“I’m looking forward to working with the Department, State regulators, the REIA team and Realtair on tackling a new frontier for Australian real estate which is regtech, and hopefully, establishing a proof of concept for a trusted national exchange for real estate licenses,” says Mr Groves.

Realtair CEO and Co-founder, Peter Matthews said, the Realtair team is proud to be working with the incredibly passionate and talented REIA team on this project.

“Our teams are aligned providing value to the industry, government and consumers and this project will lead to a greater understanding and transparency of the industry.”


Read the full article The Real Estate Conversation