Powering Australia’s leading real estate agencies with end-to-end software solutions

Powering Australia’s leading real estate agencies with end-to-end software solutions

Fully customisable presentation builder designed for agents
All-in-one digital document signing platform with up-to-date contracts
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14 Aug 2023

Why use online real estate deposit software

The emergence of online platforms that accept digital deposits for real estate has raised numerous questions and concerns: Is this the future or is it opening us to more risk? This article explores the benefits of utilising a real estate deposit platform, the process involved, and the reasons why they are a popular choice among buyers and sellers.

Why choose an online platform for real estate deposits?

Here are the reasons why some people prefer paying their deposits online rather than using a traditional bank cheque:

  • Convenience: By leveraging an online platform, you can eliminate the need for physical paperwork and time-consuming visits to banks (not to mention saving on those bank cheque fees). Letting buyers make their deposits digitally means they can be made remotely, while in transit, or right there in person even if they forgot their chequebook, allowing for a hassle-free process.
  • Security: Realtair has partnered with Zepto to provide a secure payment gateway for buyers to make their deposits, avoiding the risk sending bank deposit details over email has been known to cause. With robust encryption and authentication protocols in place, your deposit is more safe and secure than it’ll ever be compared to bank transfers where email scammers can alter account numbers or risk losing your cheque on its way to the bank.
  • Efficiency: No more waiting for buyers to send you a confirmation – once a deposit is made digitally, the platform will send you a confirmation. In 1-2 business days, the deposit will hit your agency’s trust account. There’s no need to stew until Monday to process a cheque (or multiple cheques) and wait on the admin team to verify it’s all done.

"Realtair has sped up the process for us – it's taken away the printing and duplicating of the contracts, obtaining signatures in person, going to the bank to deposit cheques. It's cut down travel time immensely."

Headshot_Brad Gillespie
Brad Gillespie
Property Partner, The Agency

FAQs about real estate digital deposits

Can I trust online platforms for digital deposits?

Absolutely! Realtair prioritises the security and integrity of transactions. We utilise advanced encryption technologies (such as Zepto for our secure payment gateway) and implement strict verification processes to ensure a safe transaction for buyers and sellers. And the Realtair dashboard tracks the status of every transaction.

Are digital deposits legally binding?

Yes, digital deposits are legally binding. Our real estate deposit features complies with Australian requirements, providing a secure and reliable way to collect buyer deposits for any method of sale.

Are there any additional fees involved?

With Realtair there are no daily limit transfer fees and no transfer costs. We provide agents, sellers and buyers a platform for quick and secure deposits, making both contract signing and at settlement a breeze.

Book a demo to see how it works

Seal the deal with Realtair and start accepting digital deposits for your listings. The convenience, security, and efficiency offered by Realtair can help eliminate user errors and deposit risk.

Embrace the digital era of real estate transactions and leverage the benefits of Realtair by booking a demo online, or signing up today!

Agents: Book a demo online today

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