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Browse Properties
9 Oct 2024

How Adam Empringham propels real estate success with Realtair

  • Key figure: Adam Empringham, Sales Director at Image Property
  • Challenge: Implementing and mandating new technology in a traditional real estate environment while overcoming resistance to change
  • Solution: Building a tech stack from scratch with Realtair at its core, coupled with strong leadership and a “no exceptions” policy for tech adoption
  • Key achievement: Creating a fully integrated digital ecosystem for real estate operations, leading to improved efficiency and a superior customer experience in property transactions


Adam Empringham‘s journey from a traditional real estate approach to becoming a proptech pioneer is nothing short of remarkable. As the Sales Director of Australia’s top property management agency, Adam has redefined success in the property market by embracing cutting-edge technology. But how does he manage to implement and maintain a high-tech operation in an industry often resistant to change?

The secret, Adam reveals, lies in strong leadership, comprehensive training, and a commitment to providing a modern, efficient service to clients. At the heart of this transformation is Realtair, a comprehensive real estate platform that has become integral to Adam’s business operations.

Adam Empringham, Director of Sales at Image Property


From traditional real estate to proptech pioneer

Four years ago, Adam and his team made a pivotal decision that would transform their business. “We kicked off, supported by Image, and we’ve seen rapid growth since,” Adam explains. This growth wasn’t just a result of hard work, but also due to the “uniqueness of our platform.”

The decision to embrace technology, particularly Realtair, wasn’t made lightly. Adam’s team found themselves in a unique position: “We were in a really fortunate position where we had no legacy,” he shares. This clean slate allowed them to build their tech stack from the ground up, choosing solutions that would best serve their needs and vision for the future.

Leading the charge in tech adoption

For Adam, implementing new technology isn’t just about having the latest tools—it’s about fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency. His approach to tech adoption is built on strong leadership, clear communication, and unwavering commitment.

“It’s a two-letter word that you have to say to a salesperson, which is no,” Adam states firmly. “It’s no, we’re not using that, and we are doing this.” This clear stance eliminates confusion and ensures consistency across the agency.

Adam’s strategy for successful tech adoption includes:

  1. Leading by example: Knowing the product inside out and demonstrating its benefits
  2. Providing comprehensive support: Creating templates, handling back-end work, and offering tutorials
  3. Engaging high performers first: “Most importantly, they have to get the higher performers engaged first,” Adam explains. “Because if they’re fighting it and not doing it, then you’re setting the standard there where, ‘Oh well, such and such isn’t using it, so I’m not using it.’ It’s all in or don’t bother.”
  4. Mandating standards: Ensuring all team members use the chosen technology consistently

This approach has been key to the successful implementation of Realtair within Adam’s agency. By combining clear directives with personal engagement and strategic rollout, Adam has created a culture where technology is not just accepted, but embraced as a vital tool for success.

"You want to be in a position as a business and as an agent to provide a really good modern day customer experience, if you don't do it now, then you're just going to find yourself so far behind the eight ball."

1024 Adam Empringham_Hero
Adam Empringham
Sales Director, Image Property

Revolutionising the customer experience

The adoption of Realtair and other proptech solutions has fundamentally transformed the way Adam’s team interacts with clients. This shift has not only improved internal efficiency but has also significantly enhanced the customer experience.

“We’re in a modern-day age, instant gratification and digital landscape,” Adam explains. “If you can have it look good and deliver it with speed and efficiency and it’s accurate, that’s what people want these days.”

Realtair Sell, in particular, has revolutionised the sales process. Adam shares a powerful anecdote: “I’ve been witness to just sitting with an agent watching one go and it was going really well and then at the end of the sale, the unsuccessful purchasers, three of them sent this agent SMS saying, ‘Thanks so much for the opportunity, congratulations to the purchaser. Could you please help us find something? We really enjoyed that process.'”


Take control of your next property campaign with Realtair Sell.
Take control of your next property campaign with Realtair Sell.


Overcoming resistance to change

Despite the clear benefits of adopting new technology, many in the real estate industry are hesitant to embrace change. Adam addresses this resistance head-on with a pragmatic and encouraging approach.

“I don’t want to dull down the change, but what I’d like to say is it’s not that big a deal,” Adam states. “It honestly isn’t. It’s not as hard as it looks. It’s actually a really simple easy platform to use and that’s one of the magic pieces of it.”

To ease the transition, Adam’s team employs several strategies:

  1. Providing comprehensive education: “We’ve got Learn which enables us to be able to take some of your content, blend it with ours and put it into really good courses that the guys can watch and read and listen to.”
  2. Creating internal resources: “We also create a lot of video explainers to use internally and externally.”
  3. Emphasising simplicity: “Once they realise that centralisation actually has leverage for them and benefits for both buyer and seller and then they understand the knock-on effect for them is it’s far more efficient.”
  4. Showcasing success: “Once an agent has success with the platform and that they realise it’s not that much different, I think simplifying it in their minds is a really key thing.”

Adam’s advice to other agencies hesitant about adopting new technology is clear: “If you want to be in a position as a business and as an agent to provide a really good modern day customer experience, if you don’t do it then you’re just going to find yourself so far behind the eight ball.”

Looking ahead

Adam Empringham sees platforms like Realtair as the future of property transactions, reshaping how properties are sold with increased transparency, efficiency, and satisfaction for all parties.

“We do still sell a lot of property via auction as well and that is because of the public transparency. So this platform just provides that as well,” Adam explains. The Sell platform brings the transparency of an auction to private treaty sales, addressing a long-standing issue in the industry.

This transparency benefits sellers too. Adam notes, “Sometimes you also get a vendor going, ‘Have we done the right thing? Did we maximise the opportunity?’ Well, that too through this platform allows them to see.” This visibility reassures sellers about their outcomes.

Adam’s journey from traditional real estate to proptech pioneer offers valuable industry insights. His experience demonstrates that embracing technology isn’t just about staying current—it’s about revolutionising real estate transactions and client service.

Key takeaways from Adam’s experience include:

  1. Leadership is crucial: Strong, committed leadership is essential for successful tech adoption.
  2. Simplicity is key: Advanced technology doesn’t have to be complex. User-friendly platforms like Realtair can transform operations without overwhelming staff.
  3. Enhanced customer experience: Digital platforms provide transparency and efficiency that meet modern client expectations.
  4. The future is digital: Agencies that don’t adapt risk falling behind in an increasingly tech-driven market.

Adam advises other agencies: “Don’t overthink it, it is a lot easier than it looks and you’ve just got to get in and have a crack.” He warns, “You want to be in a position as a business and as an agent to provide a really good modern-day customer experience, if you don’t do it now then you’re just going to find yourself so far behind the eight ball.”

The future of real estate is here, and it’s digital. Are you ready to embrace it?

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