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Level 2
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Level 5
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Level 6
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Direct Debit Services Agreement (Australia)

Last updated: 31/10/2023

1. Authorisation

By clicking the “I accept” button when you submit your preferred payment method and details (Form), you authorise Realtair Office Pty Limited ACN 619 539 374 (Realtair, us) to arrange for funds owed by you to Realtair, to be debited from the account and financial institution nominated in the amount specified in the Form at the frequency and on the dates set out in the Form, in accordance with this Direct Debit Services Agreement.

2. Direct Debit

Realtair will periodically debit fees for the provision of Realtair products and/or services to you from the account and financial institution nominated in the Form at the frequency and on the dates set out in the Form in accordance with this Direct Debit Services Agreement.

3. Customer obligations

3.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that:

  (a) you have the right, power and authority to authorise direct debits from the account set out in the Form;

  (b) your direct debit, account and financial institution details are always valid and up to date;

  (c) sufficient funds are available each month; 

  (d) the billing address and other necessary information you have provided are always valid and up to date; and

  (e) the amounts debited from the nominated account are correct.

4. Billing

4.1 Realtair operates on a monthly or annual billing cycle, in advance. All fees payable by you for the provision of the products or services will be billed by Realtair (and therefore drawn from your nominated account) at the frequency and on the dates set out in the Form. Notwithstanding, Realtair reserves the right to bill you at other intervals and will provide you with reasonable notice prior to processing such billing.

4.2 If the due date for a payment falls on a non-working day or public holiday in New South Wales, the payment will be processed on the next business day. If you are uncertain as to when the debit will be made from its account, you should contact your financial institution. 

4.3 Payments will appear on your account as Realtair Office Pty Limited.

4.4 Realtair may process payments via secure payment gateways owned and/or operated by authorised third parties. Such third party gateways may be subject to separate terms and conditions issued by such third parties, which will form a separate agreement between you and the applicable third party.

4.5 Realtair is not liable for any charges you incur as a result of incorrect payment information. If Realtair incurs an expense due to incorrect payment information provided by you, Realtair reserves the right to seek reimbursement from you for such expense.

4.6 If Realtair is unable to debit or process your direct debit payment:

  (a) you authorise Realtair to reattempt the payment method a maximum of four times over a four-week period; 

  (b) if such reattempts are unsuccessful, Realtair reserves the right to:

   (i) seek payment off you via an alternative payment method and/or seek to recover the debt through alternative means (either directly, or through a third party); 

   (ii) seek reimbursement for any costs it incurs when reattempting payment.

   (iii) charge interest on overdue amounts at the rate of 10% per annum (or the maximum percentage permitted by law if lower); or

   (iv) suspend your account and your access to the products and/or services until all overdue amounts are paid.

4.7 Realtair may cancel the direct debit arrangement if your drawing is returned or dishonoured by your financial institution on two consecutive occurrences. In this instance, Realtair will notify you in accordance with clause 6.

5. Changes

5.1 Realtair will give you 14 days’ notice of any changes to its direct debit and/or billing processes, including cancellation. 

5.2 You can cancel or amend its direct debit arrangement at any time, by contacting Realtair at billing@realtair.com. All requests for such amendments or cancellations may also be directed to your financial institution. If you cancel your direct debit arrangement completely, Realtair will cease to rely on this Direct Debit Services Agreement. Any changes will take at least 10 business days to take effect.

6. Disputes and privacy

6.1 If you believe that there has been an error in debiting its nominated account, you can contact Realtair to confirm the details of the disputed debit at billing@realtair.com. Realtair will then investigate the matter and advise you in writing whether your account has been incorrectly or correctly debited along with any other necessary details. If the parties cannot resolve the matter, you must contact your financial institution.

6.2 Your personal information and account details will be held in accordance with Realtair’s Privacy Policy available at https://realtair.com/au/privacy-policy/.